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Youth Advice & Counselling

Well-being Groups

A 6 week program for young people needing support with wellbeing issues, including self-esteem, physical and mental health, and practicing positive behaviour change alongside providing a safe space. Closed group activities that aim to support young people to gain confidence, meet other young people, understand wellbeing and develop coping mechanisms. Run weekly at Newhaven Youth Centre. To refer, please complete the Wellbeing groups referral form or email [email protected].

Also running at Seahaven Academy, Newhaven, Peacehaven Community School, and Seaford Head School, Seaford. To refer, please talk to your class tutor or pastoral team.

1:1 Well-being Support (Platform 9)

For young people that are apprehensive about a group setting, or require some additional support, we offer relaxed, informal chats with a youth worker about any issue. We provide supportive activities to provide learning around improving wellbeing, as well as diversionary activities that can be ‘just for fun’ and an expressive outlet. Appointments for 1:1’s are offered throughout the week both virtually and face to face. Contact us to book.

Targeted Behaviour Change Support

As well as a tailor-made look at wellbeing in a holistic sense, we also provide targeted groups focusing on issues such as: risky sexual behaviour, substance misuse, and knife crime. This is normally requested by schools, or youth workers facilitate these workshops to an existing group they feel would benefit. If you are concerned about a young person’s lifestyle or behaviour, please contact [email protected] for support.

Sexual Health Support

Do you need advice about any sexual health issue? Is there anything you are worried about? Drop in at Denton Island Community Centre – we offer one to one support with experienced youth workers who can provide the C-Card scheme and confidential Chlamydia testing.

Youth counselling

We offer a confidential counselling service of up to 12 weekly, 50-minute sessions for anyone aged 11–18 who would benefit from talking about their concerns with one of our Youth counsellors. For more information, see our Low Cost Counselling page.


Contact us

Contact Young People

Denton Island Community Centre,
Denton Island, Newhaven,

Phone: 01273 511039

Email: [email protected]