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Sussex Community Counselling

What is counselling?

Counselling is a time for you to talk things through with someone who is specially trained to listen. Your counsellor won’t give you advice or tell you what to do, they will help you work out what’s right for you. 

Sussex Community Counselling 

Here at Sussex Community Counselling we offer general counselling and some specialist counselling services so you can get the right support or we can suggest other services if we can’t offer the particular support you need.

What can counselling help me with?

Counselling can help you work on what is going on in your life so you can find your own solutions and make changes in your life or find ways of coping. Some of the issues people bring to counselling include relationships, past and present life events, behaviours they want to change, difficult feelings and thoughts. Counselling is a time for you to talk confidentially about what is troubling you and how you are.

Sussex Community Counselling – a BACP accredited service

Our counselling service has been awarded BACP Service Accreditation. This means that what we offer has been commended by the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy as a well organised and professionally run therapeutic counselling provision. We are one of only a handful of services across Sussex to have achieved this. Our counsellors abide by the BACP Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions. Our counsellors are either qualified or in the later stages of their training and are DBS checked.

Student Placements

We offer placements to students who have been accepted onto the final year of a BACP or UKCP accredited course, and have at least 30 hours client work in a supervised placement.  For more information and an application form please contact the team on 01273 519108.

Call us on 01273 519108 or email: [email protected]

Contact us

Contact Counselling

Denton Island Community Centre,
Denton Island, Newhaven,

Phone: 01273 519108

Email: [email protected]