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Bereaved by Suicide Service

Support for those Bereaved by Suicide

Learning that someone may have died as a result of suicide can evoke a range of emotions and each of us has our own way of responding and coping. We help people living in East Sussex who have been bereaved by suicide, offering support, advice and guidance from a qualified counsellor.

We recognise the long-lasting impact of bereavement by suicide; as a result, we can work with you no matter how long ago you were bereaved.

We can offer:

  • Emotional support for you and others around you who have been affected by this bereavement.
  • Assistance with the practical issues that need to be managed, such as liaising with the police and the coroner.
  • Being by your side through the inquest.
  • Advice and guidance on matters such as housing, finances and debt.
  • Signposting to additional support.
  • Support group sessions – a way to meet others who have been through similar experiences, increase social support and develop coping skills.

Here are some links to other organisations and resources that you may find helpful at this time:

First Hand is for anyone affected by witnessing a suicide, when they did not know the person who has died. This may be because you happened to be at a particular location, or because your job involves responding to these incidents.

A resource for people bereaved through suicide or other unexplained death, and for those helping them.

Winston’s Wish provide support to young people and their families after a bereavement.  They have specialist information about supporting children through suicide bereavement.

Please contact [email protected] or 01273 519108 for further information or call the Sussex Suicide Bereavement Support Team on 07376 616628.


Contact us

Contact Counselling

Denton Island Community Centre,
Denton Island, Newhaven,

Phone: 01273 519108

Email: [email protected]